Creative, innovative & insightful CBSE curriculum framework which prepares the children for the 21st century We believe in reaching the mind through the heart. It is based on five fundamental principles BKG-SMILE.
Spiritual Resilience * Mental Intelligence * Infrastructure & Facilities * Laboratory Based Teaching * Emotional Intelligence.
Children enjoy learning with no boundaries. Collaborative learning with monitoring and mentoring environment embraces child friendly approach. Creative worksheets, observation, experiments, research, exploration, model making, Group discussion, seminar, role play, debate are conducted periodically. Self and peer assessment escalates the confidence and potential of the child with better learning ability through introspection.
Our psychological ambience is encouraged through questioning, enquiry, independent thinking, organized life skill with scientific temper and solution oriented perspective.
Inclusion of life sketch of towering personalities for moulding the character of our children with human values, compassion, love and patriotism is an integral part of our curriculum.
Building strong personality subconsciously through various fun filled methods story telling, dramatization, puppetry, audio visual aids, story album and toys museum is the strength of our education.
Emotional ambience is throbbing with visual and performing arts. Wide spread indoor and outdoor games with the concept of balanced diet make the child physically fit, confident, mentally sound and happy.
Threshold of the temple of knowledge is open to the child through a sacred activity of Aksharabhyasam and Vidyarambham as a symbol of our rich aesthetic tradition. The very substance of our education is enlightened with serenity, joy and beauty through Agnihotram,
Saraswati vandana, Meditation, Chanting of slokas, Bhagwadgeetha, Veda mantras along with yogasanas and pranayama.